Monday, April 04, 2011

Marina owners talk about collaboration

Marina owners talk about collaboration
By: Joe Shooman |
4 April 2011

Marina owners in Jamaica, Cuba and the Cayman Islands are discussing
closer working practices.

Dale Westin of Errol Flynn Marina in Port Antonio, Jamaica, Neville
Scott of Barcadere and Comodoro Jose Escrich of the Marlin group of
marinas in Cuba met unofficially at the Miami Boat Show to talk about
the possibilities of pursuing joint promotional and marketing
initiatives, revealed Mr. Scott.

"It's not like we're a cruise association or a formal organisation of
which we three are a part. It's still in its infancy, something we are
discussing and something [for which] we haven't really formalised a
written agreement.

"We have a gentlemen's agreement amongst the three of us where we will
jointly promote each other's facilities. The idea is that we do some
joint marketing initiatives, the costs of which would hopefully be borne
by all involved and benefit all involved. The ultimate objective is to
get boats into our facilities."

The idea has grown organically over the years, he added.

"I've known Dale Westin for several years from doing boat shows, trying
to promote The Barcadere and Grand Cayman as a yachting destination. We
sit together and talk about how things are going and try and refer
business between the two facilities.

"I have some of his brochures in my marina and he has mine in his. We
try to give each other reciprocal business and feel comfortable
referring people to each other's facilities because ultimately my
recommendation is going to reflect on me."

Increasing numbers

Because of this relationship, increasing numbers of yachts have been to
both facilities, with many also going to and from Cuba.

"A couple of years ago at Miami Boat Show I saw Comodoro Escrich doing a
presentation on the marina community in Cuba and talking about the
facilities that are available and the plans for development of various

"He also talked about the potential for Cuba as a cruising ground for
yachters, particularly from South Florida. I can definitely see the
potential there once America relaxes the travel ban," said Mr. Scott.

Subsequent to the boat show, Mr. Escrich travelled to Cayman to promote
the 60th anniversary of the Ernest Hemmingway fishing tournament and to
tour yachting facilities throughout the island.


"Cuba currently presents a barrier for American yachters and sailors to
reach Grand Cayman, but if the States were to relax its travel ban to
Cuba, they could cruise over there and all of a sudden Grand Cayman is a
hop, skip and a jump from South Florida.

"Cruisers could go from Key West to Havana, then Isla de la Juventud and
Grand Cayman, then back to Caya Largo, perhaps the Errol Flynn marina in
Jamaica, then up to the Keys."

Mr. Westin said he believed that a relaxing of the American travel ban
would change the complexion of the entire Caribbean.

"Americans have been waiting some 50 years to visit the forbidden island
of Cuba. Its greatest impact would probably be on the Bahamas, which
would likely suffer a temporary reduction in tourism.

"As far as Jamaica is concerned, I believe it will bring a need for
additional marinas across the north side of the island and likely in
places like Bowden, Drax Hall, Falmouth and Montego Bay," he told the

Informal meeting

The meeting between the marina managers was informal, said Mr. Scott,
with the objective to see if there were any benefits to be had by
association or possible synergies to develop or collaborate on.

"We made formal our informal agreement to promote each other through
collateral materials and each other's links on our websites and so on.

"By no means do we represent three countries; let's be clear on that.

We are simply three individuals responsible for three different
organisations who are trying to jointly promote those organisations."


Ideas include potential sailing regattas that could visit facilities of
all three organisations, plus the possibility of fishing tournaments
that are spaced out in order to allow people to fish on a circuit.

"There are people who sail between tournaments, which are timed to allow
people to do that. We could time our tournaments to lead up to each
other so people who come this far south aren't just coming down for a
tournament at my place; they could fish here, Jamaica and Cuba, then go
on to fish Mexico or home.

"As well there's the general recreational cruisers who, on leaving one
marina, have the contact already at the next marina and are able to feel
secure that they are expected at their next port of call and in turn
they know what to expect."

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