Wednesday, March 04, 2015

For Obama, Castro Has A Ship Of Fools

For Obama, Castro Has A Ship Of Fools
03/03/2015 06:32 PM ET

Diplomacy: As Paris Hilton whooped it up with Havana's princelings to
applaud U.S.-Cuba ties, Colombia detained a Chinese ship full of illegal
weapons bound for Cuba in what may be a new violation of U.N. sanctions.
Castro is playing us for fools.

Even though tourism remains illegal for Americans in Cuba, it doesn't
stop B-List celebrities from going to Havana, partying hearty, snapping
and posting selfies, popping flashbulbs, swigging mojitos and buying
cigars by the cartload, as Hilton's Instagram pictures showed.

Communism-ravaged Cuba is about as poor as Ethiopia or Zimbabwe. So it
wasn't the locals partying down, but the communist elites — such as
Fidel's son, Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart, with whom Hilton and model Naomi
Campbell posed for selfies.

This is a preview of who will benefit from the opening to Cuba — its
wealthy Communist Party elites, not ordinary folks.

But in this grotesque fantasyland of vulgar Third World dictators and
equally vulgar Hollywood reality stars, an even uglier reality was
emerging 600 miles to the south on the very same Sunday.

Colombia port officials near Cartagena discovered a huge cache of
weapons buried in the hull of the Dan Dan Xia, a Chinese ship stopping
on the way to Cuba, which was supposedly shipping grain.

In reality, it was transporting 100 tons of black gunpowder, 2.6 million
primers, 99 projectile cores, and 3,000 caps for the rifles, according
to Colombia's El Tiempo. Colombian authorities held the captain and the
vessel until an investigation is done.

The question we want to know is what the Cuban elites wanted with such
weapons. With Obama granting them no-strings-attached diplomatic
relations and looking the other way as Castro's goons beat and arrest
dissidents, they are threatened by no one.

So why are they still smuggling weapons?

Doing so is a violation of United Nations sanctions, which forbid Cuban
weapons smuggling based on its history as a state sponsor of terror.
Cuba continues doing it, fully confident that nothing will be done.

That's what happened the last time they got caught violating the embargo
— when Panama Canal officials caught a North Korean ship smuggling heavy
weapons from Cuba, not sugar as the ship's manifest said.

Then there's Cuba's role as a broker in the ongoing — and questionable —
"peace talks" between Colombia and FARC narco-terrorists. Colombian
officials said they initially believed the arms were meant for FARC, but
now say they aren't entirely sure.

If anyone looks foolish here it's the U.S. The Obama administration has
let lefty celebrities abuse the law to use Cuba as a kind of communist
playground. And it has given Cuba's nasty regime the diplomatic
relations and recognition it's long sought.

How has Cuba repaid them? By arming up to create trouble in our
hemisphere. The Chinese-Cuban weapons ship shows the Obama
administration is a ship of fools.

Source: For Obama, Castro Has A Ship Of Fools - -

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